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Custom Wallet Connections

Use the SDK to connect wallets to your app but using your own UI components.

Available Hooks, Connectors and Configurators

WalletWallet Configurator (React)Hook (React)Wallet Class Connectors (Typescript)
Coinbase WalletcoinbaseWalletuseCoinbaseWalletCoinbaseWallet
Wallet Connect v2walletConnectuseWalletConnectWalletConnect
Safe WalletsafeWalletuseSafeSafeWallet
Paper WalletpaperWalletusePaperWalletPaperWallet
Local WalletlocalWalletuseConnectLocalWallet
Smart WalletsmartWalletuseSmartWalletSmartWallet
Magic LinkmagicLinkuseMagicMagicLink
Rainbow WalletrainbowWalletuseRainbowWalletWalletConnect
Zerion WalletzerionWalletuseConnectZerionWallet
Blocto WalletbloctoWalletuseBloctoWalletBloctoWallet
Frame WalletframeWalletuseFrameWalletFrameWallet

Using Hooks (for Supported Wallets)

Using hooks allows you to have more control over the user experience and requires you to build your own UI. The useConnect and wallet-specific hooks allow you to programmatically connect to the wallet.

import { useConnect, metamaskWallet } from "@thirdweb-dev/react-native";

const metamask = metamaskWallet();

function App() {
const connect = useConnect();

return (
onClick={async () => {
const wallet = await connect(metamask, connectOptions);
console.log("connected to ", wallet);
Connect to MetaMask

Create a Wallet Connection UI (for a Custom Wallet Configurator)

To integrate a wallet with ConnectWallet, you need to create a wallet configurator - a function that returns a WalletConfig object and add it in ThirdwebProvider's supportedWallets.


To create a custom UI for connecting your wallet, create a connectUI function in your wallet configurator.

// optional - render a UI for connecting your wallet
connectUI(props) {
return <MyWalletConnectionUI {...props} />;


To create a custom UI for selecting your wallet in the wallet selection screen in the connect wallet modal, create a selectUI function in your wallet configurator.

    // optional - override the default UI for selecting your wallet in the wallet selector screen
selectUI(props) {
return <MyWalletSelectionUI {...props} />